Product Sources for Vergers

This page presents many sources where you can purchase items to complement the verger ministry.

If you have a product resource that should be added here, contact

Verger Product Sources

The Guild Shop

Operated by volunteers from the VGEC, the Guild Shop has been the leading source of verger items since 1990. The goal of the Guild Shop is to offer quality items at an affordable price.

CM Almy

Outfitters to the Church and Clergy since 1892

Holy Cross Monastery, West Park, NY

Holy Cross Incense is produced by monks of Holy Cross Monastery using aromatic gums and resins imported from Sumatra and Ethiopia. They make this incense by hand in their workshop using techniques and recipes developed over several decades.

The Holy Rood Guild

Has been known for over 60 years for the quality liturgical vestments, incense, and vessels.

JR Evans Best Religious Supplies

For over 30 years, JRE represents some of the best artisans and manufacturers of religious supplies.

St. Mary's The Virgin, Times Square

"Smokey Mary's" incense is made in their hundred year old basement by Kenny Isler. Saint Mary's has been selling incense for many years.

Trevor Floyd & Co

Provider of specialty church resources including Vestments, Clothing items, Furnishings, Stained Glass, Columbaria, Special Design Services, Woodwork and Metalware as well as Stone, Carvings including Statues and Prinknash Abbey Incense.


Founded in 1789 in Exeter, England, one of the oldest and largest church suppliers (10% discount for Guild members)