Diocese of Texas Chapter

Welcome to the Walter Mace Chapter in the Diocese of Texas.

This chapter was formed in 1997 at the funeral of Walter Lewis Goodall Mace, for many years the Head Verger, St. Dunstan's, Houston,

Texas. Walter "Wacco" Mace was a founding member of the VGEC Guild being present at the 1989 Nashville, Tennessee conference. This chapter is named in his honor and memory because he was a strong supporter and promoter of this ministry within the church and the Diocese of Texas, as well as being a fun gentleman and mentor.

Rob Rynearson, Head Verger, Palmer Memorial, Houston, Texas, was the founding president. By 1998 there were 35 verger members. The last membership figures available for 2010 listed 100 vergers in 32 parishes. The Diocese of Texas has 160 congregations in the eastern quadrant of Texas.

The purpose of the Chapter is to promote a greater awareness of the servant ministry of vergers in the Diocese of Texas and to provide support, training, education, and fellowship to the vergers who practice their ministry therein.

Unfortunately the Chapter became dormant in 2012 but plans are being made to get it active again.

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