Diocese of Easton (Maryland)

The Diocese of Easton Chapter of the Vergers Guild of the Episcopal Church was established at the VGEC Annual Meeting in 2016.

There are currently three vergers in the diocese serving at St. Andrew’s, Somerset Parish, in Princess Anne, and one verger serving at Christ Church, St. Peter’s Parish, in Easton. The vergers also serve at diocesan functions. The purpose of the Chapter is to promote a greater awareness of the servant ministry of vergers and to encourage support, training, education, and fellowship to the vergers who practice their ministry in the diocese. Rebecca McElhone attended the annual conference in Atlanta in 2017 and the chapter had a meeting after that. Pictured are the vergers from St. Andrew: Sister Mary Winifred, Carolyn Brooks, and Rebecca McElhone

Membership is open to vergers throughout the diocese and there are no membership dues. Please contact Rebecca McElhone with questions.

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