2023 San Diego
The Rt. Rev. Dr. Susan Brown Snook, Bishop of San Diego, and the Vergers and Staff of St. Paul's Cathedral are excited to welcome the Vergers Guild of the Episcopal Church to their 2023 Annual Conference. Head Verger Lisa Churchill and her team have put together an awesome conference. Great fun, wonderful fellowship, sacred worship, stellar workshops, and a dynamic Keynote speaker.
Make plans to join us for the 35th Annual gathering, September 28 through October 1, 2023 in San Diego, by clicking on the BIG RED Register Online button above.
The 2023 Annual Conference Committee has come up with an optional sunset cruise of the San Diego Bay. Before the committee can commit with the cruise company we need to know how many conference attendees and guests are interested in the cruise.
Sights and Sips Sunset Cruise on Friday, September 29
This Sunset Cruise is a one-of-a-kind happy hour with displayed hors d'oeuvres, tray-passed desserts, and drink specials to enjoy in our breezy, indoor, and outdoor dining area. The Sights and Sips Cocktail Cruise has been a popular summer cruise going into its eleventh year.
1.5-hour cruise on San Diego Bay
Displayed appetizers and tray passed desserts
Signature cocktails and monthly drink specials (drinks available for purchase)
Live DJ entertainment
Sparkling San Diego views, Coronado Bridge, and sunset
Free Wi-Fi - post your pictures while you cruise
Each year, the VGEC provides a limited number of scholarships to cover $200 of the registration expense. The Mark Emory Graham Scholarship Fund of the VGEC makes these grants possible. They are intended to develop the ministry of the verger and will be considered for junior vergers, new vergers, or first time attendees, or those with a financial need.
Click HERE to complete an online scholarship application.
The president of the VGEC will review the requests and will contact each member making a scholarship request. The process is very easy, so if you are interested, please complete the form today.
The scholarship covers $200 of the registration fee but not transportation, lodging, or additional food or other expenses.
Please contact the VGEC president at president@vergers.org if you have questions about the scholarship or the application process.
If you are applying for a scholarship, do not put in your credit card information when registering for the conference. Select the Pay Later option !!
Thursday, 28 Septermber - Evensong and Dinner
Hosted by
St. James by the Sea Episcopal Church
743 Prospect Street, La Jolla, CA 92037
Friday, 29 September, through Sunday 1 October
Conference events will take place at St. Paul's Cathedral
2728 6th Ave, San Diego, CA 92103
Hotel Information -------------->
The 2023 San Diego Conference Committee has complied an exhaustive list of Hotels in the San Diego area. The list shows milage to the St. Paul's Cathedral and a website link to each. Click the Blue Hotel Button for the listings.